About the Museum
National Railway Museum
The National Railway Museum tells the story of more than 160 years of railway history in Portugal. A tour around one of the best collections of railway heritage in Europe - with around 36,000 objects! - We propose a journey through time, from the first steam locomotives, to the rail transport of the future.
This is a space for collective experience, dialogue and shared knowledge, open to all audiences who are willing to discover the cultural heritage and the historical, symbolic and technological role of rail transport in Portugal.
Railways opened up new territories, paved the way towards the development of new cities and towns, connected communities, created and sustained new offers and needs, changing the way we see the world. Hence, the National Railway Museum goes beyond the borders of the national territory, bringing a unique perspective of the history of Europe and the World, giving it an international character.
Technology, arts and science intermingle with the collective and individual narratives of all those who were and are part of the railway universe.
A visit to the National Railway Museum includes the discovery of unique objects associated with themes as diverse as the old stations, apprentice schools, the construction and maintenance of the railroad, but also medicine, hospitality or model building.
By visiting locomotives, coach cars, lounges or wagons, one realizes the relevance of an authentic national heritage that includes unique treasures such as the Royal Train or the Presidential Train.
We have several public services and activities at your disposal, which are designed to meet the needs and expectations of each visitor, in a constantly evolving approach. You can have a go at driving a quadricycle along the tracks of the Museum or travel on the manned model circuit.
Hop on this journey into the history of trains and discover unexpected objects from one of the best collections of Europe, in Entroncamento but also in Arco do Baúlhe, Bragança, Chaves, Lousado and Macinhata do Vouga.
This Museum is yours, a Museum for everyone.
A unique experience you can’t miss.

National Railway Museum Inauguration
May 18, 2015
Update date: 16 May 2023